GooD Thoughts To Live By

Many people will walk in and out in your life
Only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.
Anger is only one letter short of danger
If someone betrays you once, it is that one’s fault;
If someone betrays you twice, it is your own fault.
Great mind discusses ideas;
Average mind discusses events;
Small mind discusses people. 
Someone, who loses money, loses much;
Someone, who loses a friend, loses much more;
Someone, who loses faith, loses all.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature.
Beautiful old people are works of arts.
Learn from the mistakes of others;
You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.
Yesterday is history;
Tomorrow is mystery;
Today is a gift;
That’s why it’s called present;
“T h e P r e s e n t”
Friends, you and me…
You brought another friend…
And then there were 3…
We started our group…
Our circle of friends…
And like that circle…
There is no beginning or end…
